Detroit Violent Crimes Lawyers

Violent Crime charges can include a number of crimes including Weapons Offenses, Gang Crimes, Murder and attempted Murder, Reckless Homicide, Battery or Assault, Armed Robbery and Domestic Violence. Michigan Violent Crimes involving people or property are some of the most serious types of crimes. The penalties for committing such offenses are harsh and at times punitive in nature. The level of punishment or the type of charge is dependent on the circumstances.

Without an experienced and proven Detroit Violent Crimes Lawyer who possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to negotiate the complex laws and statutes of your specific case, you will be at an extreme disadvantage and be subjected to a lengthy prison term or even worse.

Let Detroit Criminal Lawyer be your guide through the perils of a serious charge; we handle cases that include:

  • Aggravated assault
  • Aggravated battery
  • Aggravated Robbery
  • Armed Robbery
  • Armed Violence
  • Arson
  • Assault
  • Attempted murder
  • Battery
  • Burglary
  • Child abuse and endangerment
  • Criminal damage to property
  • Criminal defacement of property
  • Domestic Violence
  • Felony murder
  • Home Invasion
  • Kidnapping
  • Manslaughter – Involuntary/reckless homicide
  • Manslaughter – Voluntary
  • Murder – First Degree
  • Murder – Second Degree
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Solicitation of murder for hire

The penalties for Violent Crimes can be extreme. Depending on the crime and circumstances, penalties for Violent Crimes can range from a one-year incarceration sentence to life imprisonment.

Violent Crimes can be challenged by a variety of means. The law recognizes many defenses to Violent Crimes. The most common defenses being self-defense or defense of others. The unintentional murder of a person in the heat of passion from provocation will also trigger a charge of Murder in the second degree.

Violent crimes can also be challenged based on the investigative procedures that the police or law enforcement adopted during their investigation.

When facing Violent Crimes, contact a lawyer that has successfully defended thousands of clients accused of a violent crime in Michigan that they did not commit. Detroit Criminal Lawyer will fight for your rights and your freedom.